If you want your next tattoo project to represent your love for the ocean, the octopus is the perfect subject matter for you.
In Japanese mythology the octopus is a complex creature attributed with versatility, agility and intelligence.
Their awareness for the present world and reliance to any situation life throws shows their strength through wisdom and transformation. The life span of the octopus is short, however it makes them unique to the individual creature as knowledge cannot be passed down through parents. Their learning is done quickly and efficiently on their own. They live fulfilled lives with mystery and adventures just like the fleeting movement of the oceans waves.
In Japanese folklore, coming across the presence of an octopus is known to have healing powers for the individual. Reminding them of how beautiful and short life can be. The octopus is a symbol of good luck and abundance to show gratitude to everyday life and perceiver to learn everyday no matter how small.